How to Get More Applicants with an Optimized Scholarship Campaign

You’ve got a great product, you’ve created your marketing strategy and started advertising. Yet, you’re not reaching your goals. The problem could be the audience. No matter what product or service you are selling, chances are a vast portion of your target audience is Gen Z.

Zoomers have an extremely short attention span. Native to the digital space, they have been bombarded with ads their entire lives. That’s why 99% of them will readily hit “skip” on an ad if they have that option and nearly two-thirds (63%) will use ad blockers to avoid online adverts. This means that your marketing efforts will never reach them.

But, there is something that this group doesn’t block or avoid. Most Gen Z-ers are high school or college students, so what they need and even proactively seek are scholarships for college. So, instead of throwing a bunch of ads their way, you can actually make them come to you by launching a scholarship campaign.

What can a scholarship campaign do for your marketing strategy?

Adding a scholarship campaign can raise your brand awareness, boost search results, and even get you better ROI than other forms of digital marketing. If you haven’t entertained the idea of a scholarship campaign as a marketing tool, you’re missing out!

This is a win-win approach. Students will feel recognized and supported by your brand, rather than targeted. And they will get the money they need to help pay for college. At the same time, you’ll create a unique connection with students and their families, while gaining trust and loyalty for your brand.

You also learn more about your target audience through submitted applications. Students willingly provide information such as their name, email, phone number, or GPA, and even write an essay, or make a video about themselves.

How to get most applications with your scholarship campaign?

If you want a lot of students to apply for your scholarship, you should open it to students across the U.S. or around the world, rather than limiting it to a particular city or state. Also, make it as easy as possible to apply.

Quick and easy application process

A long and tedious application process with a lot of requirements can really put off applicants. Having just one requirement makes a big difference, and creating a no requirement scholarshipwill really maximize the number of applications.

Avoid requiring an essay

If there’s anything that most students hate, it is writing an essay. For providers this means fewer applications, narrower reach, and multiple missed opportunities. It’s time to ditch the essay as a scholarship requirement, and instead try creating scholarships that are faster, easier and fun to apply for.

Make a survey scholarship to learn about your applicants

Another option is a survey scholarship. Through a simple survey, you’ll learn more about your applicants and Gen Z in general, enabling you to extend that knowledge into future marketing campaigns.

Create a scholarship that’s fun to apply for

A scholarship application doesn’t have to be boring. You can make it fun for students. For example, ask them to share a social media post or make a video showcasing their personality, talents, dreams and goals.

Leverage promotion and engagement opportunities

In addition to creating and launching your scholarship on the ScholarshipOwl for business platform, you can take advantage of available options that can extend your reach, such as creating a sponsored listing on the platform. We can also promote your scholarship via an email campaign to attract greater interest in your scholarship, resulting in significantly more applications.

Your Gen Z audience can be closer than ever if you play it smart and try integrating a scholarship campaign into your marketing strategy. To get started, sign up for free at

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